Robert Steele: Historian Calls 2020 for Biden — NOT SO FAST!

Biden will beat Trump, says historian who predicted every presidential race since 1984 I think he is wrong. Most, not all, have figured out that the fake pandemic, like the Russian witchhunt and the impeachment, were attacks on the President and attacks on America. Most see the contrived social unrest based on lies and using …

The Steele Report: Saturday Video Up, Preview of Monday Text

VIDEO (SAT): Robert answered 21 questions provided in advance, covering many aspects of where the Trump Administration might be in the fight to the death against the Deep State cabal, human trafficking, the fake pandemic, murderous vaccines, the status of General Mike Flynn and the future indictment and conviction of Anthony Fauci for mass murder, …

Robert Steele: Extraterrestrial Dislosure Beginning?

No Longer in Shadows, Pentagon’s U.F.O. Unit Will Make Some Findings Public For over a decade, the program, now tucked inside the Office of Naval Intelligence, has discussed mysterious events in classified briefings. ROBERT STEELE: This matters because when full disclosure is achieved, it releases free energy, anti-gravity, anti-aging, and limb cloning.