Benjamin Fulford: ZIonists Defeated, China and Russia Playing Smart, Western Banking in Panic — $1 Billion Bet on US Stock Market Crashing Soon — Internal War within USG Between DHS and Everyone Else

Cabal purge starts in the UK, what about the US? By Benjamin Fulford  9 May 2013 One of the world’s leading terrorists, the mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel has been summoned to China where he will be confronted with evidence of his involvement in the March 11, 2011 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against …

SmartNation: Fourth Estate 2.0 puts innovation above the fold

Fourth Estate 2.0 puts innovation above the fold EXTRACT The Tribune, which is known for its strong coverage of Texas politics and policy, has become proficient at taking information that’s either massive or confusing (or both) and distilling it down to a format more suitable for public consumption. The data is accompanied by related news …

Jean Lievens: Jeremy Rifkin on Global Issues and the Future of Our Planet

Google Translation: Uploaded on Mar 7, 2011 Forget the credit crunch, it is not compared with the problems ahead. This says top economist Jeremy Rifkin in an exclusive interview with EénVandaag. … According to Rifkin, everything depends on the question, how we deal with energy? We continue to cling to fossil fuel than is …

SmartNation: 3D Printing May Put Global Supply Chains Out of Business

3D printing may put global supply chains out of business: report By Joe McKendrick | October 9, 2012, 7:06 PM PDT Will 3D printing make global supply chains unnecessary? That’s a real possibility, states a recent report from Transport Intelligence. 3D printing (or “additive manufacturing,” as it’s called in industrial circles) takes offshore manufacturing and …

Michel Bauwens: Rob Van Kranenburg on The Sensing Planet – Challenge is NOT Technology, Challenge is Ensuring Process is Inclusive and Open

The Sensing Planet: Why The Internet Of Things Is The Biggest Next Big Thing By: Rob van Kranenburg Rob van Kranenburg outlines a brief history of the next big thing–the internet of things–and argues that U.S. industry and government should be taking a more active role in its evolution. About a decade ago, I would …

Robert Steele: Audio of SPY IMPROV at Hackers on Planet Earth

Several HOPES ago, Robert Steele started doing separate Q&A sessions using his knowledge as a former spy, pioneer of open source intelligence, advocate of multinational sense-making, and #1 Amazon reviewer for nonfiction. At The Next HOPE (2010), with help from those who stayed with him, he set what may be the world record for Q&A, …

Review: Too Big to Know – Rethinking Knowledge Now That the Facts Aren’t the Facts, Experts Are Everywhere, and the Smartest Person in the Room Is the Room

David Weinberger 5.0 out of 5 stars Simple Enough to Shake the Most Obtuse Leaders, February 10, 2012 First the disclosures. I asked for a copy of this book to review, David Weinberger being one of my heroes and I being unemployed at this time. They gave it to me and now that I have …