Stephen E. Arnold: Google Tells Political Truth — But Still Does Not Make Sense

Google Gets Political It’s not often in this day and age that a Fortune 500 company rattles any political cages. In most cases, companies keep their noses out of Washington, or at least disguise their motives behind lobbyists. However, Google seems to be making some striking political waves, as we discovered in a recent NBC …

Stephen E. Arnold: Open Source Search Sucks, Google Hides, Norvig’s Law Skins Singularity

Open Source Search: Just Like Good Old Proprietary Search The more search changes, the more it remains the same it seems. Come to think of it: Most of today’s vendors are following the scripts written for Fulcrum Technologies and Verity who stomped around the C suite in the 1980s. Is the search sector running an …

Stephen E. Arnold: Imagine the Internet Without Search Engines — or Google — or IBM

PART I Imagine the Internet without Search Engines Centrifuge Systems proposes an interesting idea in “Big Data Discovery Without Link Analysis Is Like The Web Without Google.” Centrifuge Systems asks readers of the short article to imagine using the Internet without a search engine. How would we locate information? It would be similar to the …

Stephen E. Arnold: Google As Intrusive As Could Be…

Google Is as Intrusive as They Come If you see the world through Google ( colored glasses, you might think the search king can do no wrong, such as in this recent article, “Why the Future Belongs to Google.” However, it’s starting to look like even those wearing the glasses are not happy. …