Review: A Politics of Love by Marianne Williamson with Additional Links

SUMMARY REVIEW WITH LINKS Marianne Williamson, A Politics of Love: A Handbook for a New American Revolution (HarperOne, 2019) 6 Stars – The Only Authentic Democratic Candidate Reviewed by Robert David Steele This is a six page summary review of a political-cultural-economic-social transformation that is both needed and possible, by the one person seeking the …

Mongoose: The Military-Industrial Virus by Andrew Cockburn

The Military-Industrial Virus How bloated defense budgets gut our armed forces EXTRACT: The reality would seem to be somewhat simpler: the MIC has a compulsion to demand and receive more of our money every year. Contrary to common belief, this imperative does not mean that the budget is propelled by foreign wars. Rather, the wars …

Paul Craig Roberts: USA Desperately Needs New SecState

The US Desperately Needs a New Secretary of State American Herald Tribune The ignorant warmonger masquerading as an American Secretary of State should be arrested for his impersonation of an American government official. Mike Pompeo cannot possibly be the US Secretary of State, because not even Donald Trump would appoint an idiot to this high …

Gordon Duff: Saudi Arabia and Coming Secret Nuclear War

Saudi Arabia and the Upcoming Secret Nuclear War Gordon Duff New Eastern Outlook 15 February 2019 With Israel issuing direct threats against both Syria and Iran of thermonuclear devastation if either nation retaliates against Israeli bombing attacks, the world moves closer to the brink. Many factors, including and especially Israel’s internal political collapse, are pushing …

Robert Steele: Mattis Resignation Most Helpful — Reaction of Congress Reveals Degree to Which ALL Members are Bribed and Blackmailed by Zionist Israel and US Military-Industrial Complex UPDATE 8

The resignation of James Mattis as Secretary of Defense is both necessary and timely. The Secretary of Defense simply does not “get” that the Koreas will be unified, denuclearized, and demilitarized; that most if not all US bases overseas will be closed starting in Germany and the Italy and Japan; and that it was  the …