SPECIAL: The Death of Clandestine HUMINT in the Digital Age

ROBERT STEELE: Afer nine years as a spy including three back-to-back tours overseas with five times the regional recruiting and production record, in 1988 I conceptualized the modern discipline of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). In 1993 Alvin Toffler built a chapter around me, “The Future of the Spy” and called me “the rival store” but …

Review: For a New Critique of Political Economy by Bernard Stiegler

Bernard Stiegler 4 Stars Brilliant Vital Focus on Human Contributions to Economic Wealth Creation, Turgid Beyond Comprehension The only thinig worse that reading a book in turgid academic French ( which I cannot do) is reading the same book translated into turgid academic English — turgid on steroids. This book could have been a ten …

Zero Hedge: China’s Gold-Backed Crypto to Finish US Dollar? Or . . .

The Next Pearl Harbour? China’s Gold-Backed Crypto Currency Will Blindside US Dollar Recent, financial pundit and TV host Max Keiser outlined such a scenario, and warned that the US will be blind-sided the day that China introduces its gold-backed crypto currency – an absolute game changer which would create a “catastrophic trapdoor opening underneath the US economy,” said Keiser. …