Reference: IO Newsletter Vol 10 No 5

Articles in this issue 1.       Air Force Cyber-security Unit Prepares Operations 2.       It’s Like Slate for Terrorists 3.       Anatomy of a Cyber-Espionage Attack, likely by the Chinese Military 4.       Military leaders accelerate C4ISR integration 5.       Cold war enemies Russia and China launch a cyber attack every day 6.       New report says ‘cyber warfare’ has become …

Event: 16 Jan 10 DC Demonstration Against CIA Drone Deaths with Cynthia McKinney and Cindy Sheehan

FACEBOOK DELETES INVITE TO CIA DRONE PROTEST By Brenda Norrell Cindy Sheehan said Facebook deleted an invitation to the CIA Drone Protest in Langley, Virginia, scheduled for 1 pm to 4 pm Jan. 16, 2010. Sheehan said “the CIA is becoming overly involved in terrorizing populations.” Sheehan joins a powerhouse of women activists to lead …

Worth a Look:–Open Cost Wiki Pilot

The Wall Street Journal Story: Six Products, Six Carbon Footprints Everybody’s talking about it. But what exactly is a carbon footprint? And how is it calculated? The Web Site Estimated carbon footprint, loss of natural habitat potential, loss of plant and animal life potential, and extinction potential from producing, packaging, shipping and using a product.