Tom Atlee: Participatory Wisdom & Sustainability

Qualities of folly and wisdom – with factors that support each aspect of participatory wisdom A. Fairness vs. bias 1. Folly comes from narrow-mindedness, bias, partisanship 2. Wisdom depends on open-mindedness, equity, objectivity 3. Factors supporting this aspect of participatory wisdom include balanced information; attention to “broad benefit” and “general welfare”; balance of power; neutral …

Tom Atlee: A society governed by the people’s wisdom…

A society governed by the people’s wisdom… Last weekend I joined a small group exploring the idea that society could have the capacity to generate “public wisdom” and that we could empower that wisdom to support wiser public policy and popular behavior. Because many people don’t know what we mean by “public wisdom”, we clarified …

Tom Atlee: Feedback Dynamics in Climate and Society

Feedback dynamics in climate and society In the debate over climate change, I find myself paying more attention to authorities who highlight important positive feedback loops through which a warming atmosphere triggers increased climate change. Their troubling scenarios come not from innate pessimism but from paying attention to system dynamics. A feedback loop is a …

Tom Atlee: Citizen Wisdom Councils – OUR Treasure

An unsung treasure for facilitators and civilizations Back in the mid-90’s I discovered Jim Rough’s Wisdom Council format and began promoting it through my network as a way to increase the co-intelligence of a community. I loved the design of it – every 3-12 months randomly selecting one or two dozen ordinary people to reflect …

Tom Atlee: Quinn Norton at WIRED – Eulogy for #Occupy

Dear friends, Over the last 15 months I posted many reflections on the Occupy movement. That movement is clearly not over, morphing into new shapes even as its most potent meme – “We are the 99%” – continues to reverberate. Yet there was something about the original Occupy encampments – those intense micro-communities, living vibrant …

Tom Atlee: Sandy Hook Reflections on Social Madness & Healing

Dear friends, My friend and colleague Miki Kashtan has written a compelling article exploring the interconnectedness of personal, community and social dimensions of the Sandy Hook crisis,  “Adam Lanza and All of Us.”  I highly recommend the whole article, but for the purposes of this commentary, I want to highlight this excerpt: “I see violence, …