Gordon Duff: US Swath of Destruction a Pre-Planned Methodical Population Cleansing Strategy + Eugenics Meta-RECAP

Population Cleansing Wars Gordon Duff Veterans Today, 15 July 2013 It is a mistake to look on what has become endless wars, first centering in the Middle East, as struggles over religion, political theories, sectarian struggles or post-colonial realignments.  Each hypothesis fails. Increasingly, intelligence analysts are agreeing on one thing, there is clear evidence of …

Berto Jongman: New studies: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane; government dupes crazy, hostile + Cabal / Conspiracy Meta-RECAP

New studies: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane; government dupes crazy, hostile Dr. Kevin Barrett PressTV, 13 July 2013 Recent studies by psychologists and social scientists in the US and UK suggest that contrary to mainstream media stereotypes, those labeled “conspiracy theorists” appear to be saner than those who accept the official versions of contested events. In short, …

2013 Robert Steele: It’s Time for Crisis Mappers to Spin Up Corruption Mappers 2.0 + Corruption RECAP

I share with Lawrence Lessig the conviction that corruption is the principal threat to humanity.  I would add to that my own view that corruption is responsible for 50% of all investments being wasted, be they in agriculture, energy, health, or the military, as representative domains.  I also believe that corruption will persist until individuals …

Sepp Hasslberger: Vaccines do Irreparable Harm + Vaccine Harm RECAP

When will government health departments start paying attention? Vaccines Do Irreparable Harm: Study from Poland A new scientific review from Poland discusses irreparable harm done by vaccines. This review addresses the issue in terms of adverse effects, immune system effects, neurological symptoms following vaccination, and a history of vaccines demonstrating little benefit. It centers mostly …

SchwartzReport: Only 47% of US Adults Have Full-Time Job — CAN YOU HEAR US NOW? Robert Steele Comments + REVOLUTION USA RECAP

Here is some good news and some bad news. More jobs were created, but they are generally low level jobs, and 53 per cent of adult Americans still don’t have jobs. We cannot have a prosperous democracy when over half the adults don’t have secure full-time employment. Only 47% of Adults Have Full-Time Job MIKE …

Jim Clapper: Do I Really Want to Be Here? + Robert Steele’s Simple Guide to Fixing National Intelligence + Intelligence Failure Meta-RECAP 2.0

Americans Must Call for Independent Counsel and Ouster of Clapper (Forbes) Fire James Clapper: The Director of National Intelligence lied to Congress about NSA surveillance. What else will he lie about? (Slate) James Clapper, NSA and the “L” word (Washington Post) James Clapper Reassures Private Contractors In Wake Of NSA Leak (Huffington Post) N.S.A. Disclosures …

Owl: Is DHS Using NSA to Create a Domestic “Red List”? + DHS RECAP

This writer claims a “threat matrix” has been secretly developed in anticipation of a martial law declaration in the possibly near future. It will be for readers here to decide whether this is plausible or not, but it offers some interesting details on how the “threat score” will work that gives it some air of …