Mongoose: Turkey’s Fake Coup? False Flag to Purge Military & Judges? Foreign Allies Re-Boot Against US & Pro-Russia?

Turkey Accuses US Of Being Behind Military Coup, Demands Extradition Of Cleric Gulen “Once these operations are completed, we will continue our fight against Daesh (Islamic State) with either coalition nations, or within the NATO framework, and resume our cooperation with NATO,” Cavusoglu said. TURKEY: Sibel Edmonds Dissects the Turkey Coup Attempt: A CIA-Gulen Concocted …

Kevin Barrett: Is Orlando a False Flag? Update 16: KINDLE Up – 46 Page Chapter, 65 Anomalies

NEW SHORT URL: Orlando nightclub shooting: Yet another false flag? It sure walks, talks and quacks like one They’re calling it “the worst terror attack since 9/11.” A Muslim is being blamed for shooting up a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, killing more than fifty people. In the recently-published Another French False Flag, former …

Pre-Order: General Mike Flynn on The Field of Fight – How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies

TO BE RELEASED 12 JULY 2016 PRE-ORDER NOW — Appears Discounted Ten years ago we found evidence that al-Qaeda was far more organized and adept than we had previously given them credit for. It took us nearly that long to locate and execute their leader, Osama bin Laden, and we are far from finished. Al-Qaeda …

Counterpunch: Lies from Spies – Mel Goodman on Robert Gates as a Liar, Bad Manager, and Rotten Analyst

More Lies From Spies: the Tall Tales of Robert Gates Former CIA director and secretary of defense Robert M. Gates, who served both Bush administrations as well as the Obama administration, has produced his third self-aggrandizing memoir.  His most recent effort, “A Passion for Leadership,” is in the form of lessons learned, but there is …

Gareth Porter: Lies About Yemen

How False Stories of Iran Arming the Houthis Were Used to Justify War in Yemen Diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks reveal that the story of the arms onboard the ship had been concocted by the government.