George Por: How collective intelligence helps organizations move past hierarchical leadership structures

How collective intelligence helps organizations move past hierarchical leadership structures Louis Rosenberg This tendency toward “herding” is exacerbated by social media and other modern technologies. We euphemistically call it “trending” or “going viral” but often it’s just a random impulse gone astray, amplifying noise rather than harnessing intelligence. In fact, a brilliant study out of …

Mongoose: Elliot Higgins & BellingCat Blown

Comments by Abe made in response to Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) “A Call for Proof on Syria-Sarin Attack,”, provide compelling indictment of Elliot Higgins and BellingCat, pretenders in the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) world who have taken in the gullible in the mainstream media. We find these comments so useful we are …

Robert Steele: Eric Schmidt is a Moron [Under His Rules, This Post Would Be Censored]

Google’s Eric Schmidt calls for ‘spell-checkers for hate and harassment’ Google’s Eric Schmidt has called on the technology industry to put its collective intelligence behind tackling terrorism on the internet, by building “spell-checkers, but for hate and harassment”. NOTE: It is very likely The Guardian will delete the below comments as made publicly there. This …

Mongoose: 13,000 Palestinian Structures Threatened

Thousands of Palestinian structures under Israeli demolition orders JERUSALEM: Some 13,000 Palestinian structures in the West Bank are currently under Israeli demolition orders, leaving residents and homes “in a state of chronic uncertainty and threat”, the UN said on Monday.

Chuck Spinney: Al Jazeera on Israel Atrocity Against USS Liberty — YouTube, Article, Commentary — REMEMBER THE USS LIBERTY!

Al Jazeera America has produced a damning TV documentary on Israel’s deliberate and unprovoked attack on the U.S.N.S. Liberty, a WWII Navy liberty ship that had been converted into electronics snooper to support the NSA by listening in on other nation’s electronic transmissions.  The attack occurred in international waters, in clear weather, at 2PM on 8 June …

Chuck Spinney: Crusaders and Zionists — Ending State Terrorism?

Crusaders and Zionists  Yuri Avnery, 11/10/14 [The author is Israel’s leading peace advocate.  He has been a member of the Irgun, a hero of the 1948 war, a member of Knesset, has worked with leaders of the Palestinian national movement, and is a prolific writer. His amazing biography can be found here.] LATELY, THE words “Crusaders” and …