Mini-Me: Hamas Tunnels Surprise Israel – Really?

Huh? Hamas’s Shift to Tunnel Warfare Catches Israel by Surprise JERUSALEM — Israel entered its latest conflict with Hamas armed with a high-tech arsenal, real-time battlefield intelligence and strong domestic support for dealing a heavy blow to Hamas. But again on Friday, Israeli forces were taken by surprise, this time with two soldiers killed and …

Tikkun Rabbi Michael Lerner: Discussion of Presbeterian Divestment of Zionist Occupation Allies (Motorola, Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard Et Al)

Editor’s Note: We invited the Relgious Action Center of the Reform Movement and J Street, both of which have opposed the Presbyterian divestment resolution, to respond to those who support the Presbyterian resolution. Neither agreed to do so. Tikkun has sought to be a safe space in which both sides could present their thinking. But …

Chuck Spinney: George Hishmeh – Pope Francis Confronting Zion in Courageous Brilliant Manner

My new friend George Hishmeh has written a very interesting opinion piece for the Gulf News on the Pope’s upcoming visit to the holy land (attached beneath this introduction). Assuming George’s reporting is accurate, it is clear Pope Francis is raising the stakes by using something like a Motherhood and Mismatch (M&M) Strategy [1] to place …

Chuck Spinney: Freeman Dyson – Great Science Demands Great Blunders and Good Losers – Nature Never Loses and Always Plays Fair

The author of the attached book review is a brilliant writer as well as one of the last of the great 20th Century scientists. “The Case for Blunders” is an important subject, because the confusion of theory with facts is perhaps the most persistent “Orientation” problem misshaping the OODA loops driving contemporary political discourse in …

Mini-Me: Israeli Cover Company Zim Shipping Knew Six Months in Advance 9/11 Was Coming…Here Is the Proof.

Huh? Zim Shipping: New Evidence suggests Six Months Foreknowledge of the September 11th Attack Keith Maart Veterans Today, 21 February 2014 Zim American-Israeli Shipping (“Zim”) was the predecessor company of the present Zim Integrated Shipping Services and was 49 percent owned by the Israeli government on 9/11. In 2004, the Israeli government sold their interest to …

Chuck Spinney: Has the Tide Turned Against Zionism? Pariah Status and Isolation Ahead for Zionist Isreal?

Inflection points in history are usually very difficult to see until well after they have occurred.  Jonathan Cook, one of the most astute observers of the Palestinian Question, argues that one may be at hand wrt to the Palestinian Question.  To me, this seems incredible, but we live in interesting times.  CS Pariah Status and …