Owl: Zika Virus May be First GMO Disaster of Planetary Ecosytem

Zika Virus May be First GMO Disaster of Planetary Ecosytem Recent media reports of the explosive and alarming spread of the Zika virus appears to be due, according to this report, to the release of genetically modified mosquitos into the wild, which resulted from cross-breeding of the GM mosquito released with wild mosquitos, creating favorable …

Owl: Muslim Sexual Deviance & Misbehavior now Epidemic Across Europe

Nyheter Idag is now able to disclose in detail how major Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter deliberately covered up stories about widespread sexual abuse in central Stockholm in connection with a concert in the Kungsträdgården public square this August. On Saturday August 15th, the nationally acclaimed and outspoken feminist artist Zara Larsson headlined the youth festival …

Owl: Transgenderism/Transageism – The New Elite Pedophile Frontier?

Transgenderism/Transageism: New Pedo Frontier? According to reporter Wayne Madsen, transgenderism will be used as pretext by which to legally expand pederasty. This article link he shared on his web site is about a 50+ man who abandoned his wife and seven children to live his “true life” as a six year old girl. As they say, you …

Collaborative Knowledge Foundation

The Collaborative Knowledge Foundation’s mission is to evolve how scholarship is created, produced and reported. CKF is building open source solutions in scholarly knowledge production that foster collaboration, integrity and speed. CKF envisions a new research communication ecosystem that gives rise to wholly unique channels for research output. CKF was founded in October 2015 with …

Ty Simpson: USG Acknowledgess Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells

Government-Run Cancer Institute Quietly Acknowledges That Cannabis Kills Cancer Cells The National Cancer Institute is an organization mandated by U.S. law to educate Americans about cancer and the latest research efforts. According to its website, NCI is touted as “the U.S. government’s principal agency for cancer research.” And recently, it quietly admitted that cancer cells …