Owl: USA Pervert Nation — Can Men Claim to be Transgender, Legally Enter Female Restroom, Threaten to Sue for “Hate Crimes” If Anyone Objects?

Around 2:15 he refers to news about perverts and pedos taking advantage of the pro-LGBT laws to assault women in bathrooms, and some Colorado girls are being threatened with hate crime charges for objecting to men coming into the girl’s restrooms. Now all a pedo/pervert has to do is dress up as a woman, claim …

Owl: 9/11 Disclosures – Throwing the Saudis Under the Bus to Protect Israel and the Neo-Cons

9-11 organization in a nut-shell: Israelis: did all the planning with neocon and Zionist collaborators in NYC & DC; selected and managed Arab patsies, over-all technical preparations; Saudis: bankrolled the operation after Dick Cheney signed off on 9/11 and asked them to do so; American rogue military elements, including contract personnel: provided technology and expertise …

Owl: Explaining Trump — John Robb Plus UPDATE Evaluating Trump More Links

Donald Trump, Open Source Insurgent and Ball Buster of Oligarch Politicians So much has been written about Trump’s primary election campaign, the “Trump Phenomenon.” I have read in the last few months hundreds of articles trying to explain it, but so far nothing rivals the three articles listed below for deep insight and explanatory power. …

Owl: Veterans Today on Justice Scalia’s Death — Murder, Pedophelia, and More….

Three articles by Gordon Duff of Veterans Today suggest Justice Scalia was a major figure in blocking prosecution of elite pedophiles, and perhaps a pedophile himself. Scalia Murdered After Obama Meeting: White House confrontation over FBI file leads to Scalia killing [by pedophiles, not Obama] Scalia Sleeps With the Fishes: Worst person in the world …

Berto Jongman: Advance Knowledge of ISIS Plots in Europe?

Intel agencies had hints of ISIS plot Source: It wasn’t a secret ISIS was targeting Europe Intelligence obtained by Western security agencies before the November 13 Paris attacks indicated as many as 60 ISIS fighters had been deployed by the group to Europe to carry out attacks on five cities and had already reached European …