OathKeepers: Open Letter to President Trump – You Must Use Insurrection Act to “Stop the Steal” and Defeat the Coup

Open Letter to President Trump: You Must Use Insurrection Act to “Stop the Steal” and Defeat the Coup Clearly an unlawful combination and conspiracy in multiple states (indeed, in every state) has acted to deprive the people of the fundamental right to vote for their representatives in a clean, fair election as is required in …

Robert Steele: Concept for a Movie on Election & Media Fraud + What Next

Memorable Short URL: https://tinyurl.com/PBI-Movie-Fraud The model they used for Thousand Pieces could work   In combination, a series of interviews plus video of Patrick Byrne’s team plus Constitutional and state legislative authority clips plus pulls from the videos and articles at https://tinyurl.com/PBI-Trump-Wins will fill the vacuum between media lies and Trump tweets plus Q plus those …