Cynthia McKinney: Wes Clark on US Foreign Policy Coup

A remarkable talk by Wesley Clark–4-Star General in the U.S. military:  he reveals his reaction to informaton that the U.S.was going to attack and destroy the governments in 7 countries in 5 years–Iraq, Syria,Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Iran. He goes on to say, “These people [from the Project for a New American Century] took control …

Chuck Spinney: Grand Strategy Analysis of 9/11 Blow-Back

An excellent grand-strategic analysis of last 10 years. September 1, 2011 9/11 Blowback By H.D.S. GREENWAY Historians will label the events of that September morning 10 years ago as the most destructive act of terrorism ever committed up to that time. But I suspect they will also judge America’s last decade as one of history’s …

John Robb: Resilient Curiosity, Cities Under Seige

LINKS: August, 31 2011 Some items of interest: Biocurious is a biohackerspace opening in Sunnyvale. Local software, hardware, and bio labs that connect to a global, R&D effort via online networks. A neighborhood location where professionals (formally educated) and amateurs (in the best sense of the word) can work together on building new things and …