DefDog: Imperial Hijacking of the Libyan Civil War a Threat

Another mired endeavor, while Syria, Yemen, Somalia are waiting in the wings….. Libya’s imperial hijacking is a threat to the Arab revolution Only when those who fought Gaddafi force Nato to leave will Libyans be able to take control of their country Read  full article…. See Also: Cynthia McKinney: Libya Round-Up 23 August 2011 Search: …

Chuck Spinney: Dysfunctional West Sharply Unstable

Item 1 is an insightful essay by Patrick Seale outlining the common characteristics of the political instabilities and revolutionary pressures now sweeping Europe and the Middle East.  Although Seale uses the term Global Intifada to describe these instabilities, the term Intifada evolved out of the Palestinian struggle against occupation.  He suggests the instabilities may be …