Patrick Cockburn: Saudi Arabia Drone Attack Changes Global Warfare — and US IC Either Has No HUMINT, IMINT, or SIGINT on Iran Or US IC Was Part of a Joint Israel Saudi Arabia False Flag Action

The drone attacks in Saudi Arabia have changed the nature of global warfare On the morning of 14 September, 18 drones and seven cruise missiles – all cheap and unsophisticated compared to modern military aircraft – disabled half of Saudi Arabia’s crude oil production and raised the world price of oil by 20 per cent. …

Berto Jongman: Trump Creates Task Force to Detect & Prevent Global Atrocities and Genocide — Those Done by Israel and Saudi Arabia are Explicitly Excluded as “Okay”?

We don’t make this shit up. Trump creates task force to detect, prevent global ‘atrocities’ “The Trump administration has made a steadfast commitment to prevent, mitigate and respond to mass atrocities, and has set up a whole-of-government inter-agency structure to support this commitment,” the 11-page report states.

SPECIAL: Zionist 9/11 Deception – Refocus US Public on the Saudis

Americans Outraged After Sculpture Celebrating Saudi Arabia Emblazoned with Inscription of Shahada Erected on Ground Zero Americans were outraged after a nine-foot tall statue celebrating Saudi Arabia emblazoned with the Islamic creed, the Shahada, “There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is the prophet,” was erected on Ground Zero last week.

SPECIAL: Zionist 9/11 Micro-Nukes UPDATE 1: 97% at MAGA Rallies Agree This Is Real

From a source I had in the past who was in Israel, I personally believe that they developed micro-nukes based on lithium 7 and protons which function as implosive anti-matter micro-nukes placed ever ten floors in the twin-towers in the elevator shafts by now shut down elevator maintenance company that was working on elevators in …