Jim Dean: Zionist Penetration of US Academia — Boycott by ASA, Counter-Attack, Need for Religious Counterintelligence Most Urgent

Academic Zionist agents in US go public It seems that the American Studies Association’s (ASA) boycott resolution vote has rattled the Zionist cages. They have proved that Veterans Today was right with our claim that academic espionage was one of the key areas where Israeli intelligence has invested major resources for a long time. The …

Jim Dean: Government Shut-Down and the Real Crimes Behind the Scenes — Wall Street Rules and Stealing the Gold

Government shutdown and Chinese gold EXTRACT Gordon Duff first reported in Veterans Today another financial scandal motive for the Repubs wanting to hold up Obama Care. New regulations were going into effect to stop the cross collateralization of insurance company reserves, who are all owned by banks, so they could be market traded. The sums …

Jim Dean: Israel as an Existential Threat to Everyone Else — And Another Reason to Flush the US Congress in 2014

Syria Regime Change – Blowback on Steroids Jim Dean with Franklin Lamb Veterans Today, 7 June 2013 Franklin Lamb has the best piece below that I have seen on the Jewish/Israeli Lobby panic at the disaster which their anticipated slowly roasting regime change for Syria has been. But Frank either skipped or ran out of …

Jim Dean: Syria — Deception & Disaster — Time for Truth or Consequences

Syria – Deception and Cover for Disaster US  sinking down into the Syrian quicksand “…I think it [intervention] is a mistake in Syria, even if we had intervened more significantly a year or six months ago. We overestimate our ability to determine outcomes.”  …former Secretary of Defence, Robert Gates America sank down another foot this …

Jim Dean: Could It Be? Osama Bin Laden’s Son (and Jihad Heir) in USA on a Presidential Over-Ride?

Update 12:55 pm: We have new information that Al-Harbi could not have been back doored into the US without presidential authority. Bypassing a 3-B terrorist watch status is not something an ICE supervisor could have initialed through. We know someone who sponsored an East European nursing student for a visa. The cost? Posting a $1 …

Jim Dean: Boston Bombing — DHS Out-Sourced Red Cell Attack to Israel?

Jim Dean comes from an old military family dating back to the American Revolution. Dozens of Confederate ancestors fought the Yankees in our Civil War. Uncles fought in WWII and Korea. His father as a WWII P-40 and later P-51 Mustang fighter pilot. Vietnam found several uncles serving, a cousin, and brother Wendell as a …