Zero Hedge: China’s Gold-Backed Crypto to Finish US Dollar? Or . . .

The Next Pearl Harbour? China’s Gold-Backed Crypto Currency Will Blindside US Dollar Recent, financial pundit and TV host Max Keiser outlined such a scenario, and warned that the US will be blind-sided the day that China introduces its gold-backed crypto currency – an absolute game changer which would create a “catastrophic trapdoor opening underneath the US economy,” said Keiser. …

Ellen Brown: Green New Deal & Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — New Age Political Theater?

This Radical Plan to Fund the ‘Green New Deal’ Just Might Work With what author and activist Naomi Klein calls “galloping momentum,” the “Green New Deal” promoted by Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., appears to be forging a political pathway for solving all of the ills of society and the planet in one fell swoop. Her …