Robert Steele: COVID-19 Lies, COVID-19 Treason + Links to YouTube Censored #UNRIG Videos on Fake Pandemic at BitChute

Zero Hedge: The COVID-19 Data Is A “Travesty” I nailed all this in mid-February 2020 in my article for Tehran Times (one of the places Zionists and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) cannot censor me: Robert Steele in Tehran Times: Interview A Counterintelligence Perspective on the Wuhan Virus – A Zionist Bio-War False Flag Attack? Videos …

Robert Steele: Is Sidney Powell Going to Be In Charge of Treason Tribunals?

I have no direct knowledge  and Sidney has not confirmed this by email. Her website is over-whelmed by people all over the world, not just in the USA, trying to donate.  Don”t give up, please do donate: Here are three mind-boggling sources — not confirmed by Sidney or anyone else — that suggest she …

Robert Steele: On the Zionist Parasite — America First Demands An End to Israel First (Treason) UPDATE on Zionist Funding & Control of Black Lives Matters, Pieczenik Video (7:13)

SHORT URL: A very erudite and principled individual, albeit poorly informed on the matter of the Zionist parasite in the USA, led me to believe that President Donald Trump will never accept help from Cynthia McKinney (or me) because of our deep-seated views on the matter of Zionism as a parasite that has hollowed …