2004 21st Century Intelligence: A History from the Future

Robert David STEELE Vivas 4 Jun 04 Keynote to International Intelligence History Association (Graz, Austria) FINAL 1.6 dated 30 May 2004 RTF 9 Pages: Steele IIHA Keynote 21st Century Intelligence FINAL RTF 21st Century Intelligence: A History from the Future Robert David STEELE Vivas Let me begin by paying tribute to two historians, five realists, …

Review: TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE – Social Engineering the Masses by Daniel Estulin — Deep State Playbook

TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE: Social Engineering the Masses by Daniel Estulin (Trine Day, 2015) 7 Stars Life Transformational – A Seminal Work Integrating Deep Looks from Others – A Mind-Altering Soul-Enhancing Book Given the author’s past as a former Russian intelligence employee, I have considered the possibility that this book is an active disinformation treatise.  While some …

Yoda: $1B to Fence 30% of the Earth — Wyss Campaign for Nature Has It All Wrong

Fence Earth, kill people? RELEASE: Wyss Foundation Launches $1 Billion Campaign to Help Conserve 30% of the Planet by 2030 The goal of the effort, called the Wyss Campaign for Nature, is to help nations conserve 30 percent of the planet in a natural state by the year 2030 by creating and expanding protected areas, …