Michel Bauwens: Video of the Day – Dirk Bezemer on Creating a Socially Useful Financial System

Video of the Day: Dirk Bezemer on Creating a Socially Useful Financial System Most of our credit system does not support economic growth in the sense of supporting transactions in goods and services,” he explains. “Most of our finance system, most bank loans, support increased asset prices, which have a number of detrimental effects on …

Michel Bauwens: Jean Lievens on Peer Production and Co-Production

Peer Production and Co-Production: A New Approach to Solving Common Problems Together – College Open Textbooks Community Aalto University in Finland has a new publication: Towards Peer Production in Public Services: Cases from Finland available for free download. The book’s description reads: “There are many challenges and opportunities in designing, developing and maintaining services for participatory modes of governance, not …

Michel Bauwens: Indignados are (not so) silently gaining strength

Despite appearances, Indignados are (not so) silently gaining strength The 15-M movement has gone beyond protest: it has succeeded in altering the collective imagination and the political atmosphere at its very roots. It has generated a process of re-politicization of society. The agenda of actions has expanded and been radicalized: now we do not only …

Michel Bauwens: Interview on Empowering Citizens with ICT

Book: RedVolution: El poder del ciudadano conectado. Empodera.org This book contains both Spanish and English-language essays and interviews. This is the text we contributed, based on an email interview. Interview with Michel Bauwens Tell us a little about you I’m the founder of the P2P Foundation, a global research collaborative on the collaborative economy and …

Michel Bauwens: Emergence, Crisis, Replacement

Emergence, Crisis, and Replacement of the Era of Decentralized Networks “Technology, and particularly communications technology, generates the conditions of possibility for changes in power structures. Daniel R. Headrick argues in The Tools of Empire that 19th century European imperialism, which at one point controlled three quarters of the surface of the Earth, only became possible …

Michel Bauwens: The Sharing Economy – Conversation with Links

El Correo de las Indias English edition The “Sharing Economy,” the “economy of the commons,” deserves and needs a point of reference equivalent to the large institutions of European social theory. Via GAIA: Global Alliance for Immediate Alteration Production, not consumption; Economics of the Commons, not Sharing Economics For a “Somewhere School of Sharing Economics” …