Robert James Beckett: Communication ethics – Principle and practice

With permission Henry Stewart Publications KEYWORDS: COMMUNICATION, ETHICS, DISCOURSE, DIALOGUE, LANGUAGE, RELATIONSHIPS. Communication ethics Principle and practice Author: Robert Beckett MBA, coordinator Institute of Communication Ethics Abstract Communication ethics, this paper argues, is a discipline ready for application to communication management and is particularly relevant in an ‘age of information’. With a moral foundation firmly …

Robert Steele: Applied Collective Intelligence 2.0

Applied Collective Intelligence 2.0 Can Open Source Evolutionary Cybernetics Leverage Distributed Human Intelligence While Advancing Artificial Intelligence? DOC (16 Pages): 20151018 Applied Collective Intelligence 2.0 DOC (3 Pages): D3 Innovation Memorandum 2.1 (to VP, SecState, SecDef, D/OMB, A/USAID delivered 14 October 2015) SHORT URL: ABSTRACT The information and intelligence (decision-support) domains have lost their …

Berto Jongman: CIA’s Digital Innovation…

CIA goes live with new cyber directorate, massive internal reorganization The DDI’s formation implies that the CIA is increasingly bent on securing 21st century relevance on the overall American spying landscape, where other agencies — namely the cyber- and electronic-surveillance-focused National Security Agency (NSA) — have emerged as dominant shapers of U.S. intelligence policy.

Sepp Hasslberger: Liquid Democracy Rising…

Political decision-making by elected representatives is far removed from those who go to the election booth once every four or five years. Liquid democracy uses the internet to reduce the distance between citizens and decision makers… Liquid Democracy: The App That Turns Everyone into a Politician Liquid Democracy is one of the boldest contemporary innovations …

Berto Jongman: Russian Nonlinear War (“Gerasimov Doctrine”) — While US in Stuck in One Size Fits All Big War

Grading Gerasimov: Evaluating Russian Nonlinear War Through Modern Chinese Doctrine Victor R. Morris in Small Wars Journal, 17 September 2015 Unrestricted war is a war that surpasses all boundaries and restrictions. It takes nonmilitary forms and military forms and creates a war on many fronts. It is the war of the future. -Colonel Qiao Liang …

Robert Parry: US Intel Vets Slam CIA Use of Torture and New Book “Rebuttal” That Repeats Prior Lies by CIA “Leaders” — Robert Steele Comments

US Intel Vets Decry CIA’s Use of Torture Torture defenders are back on the offensive publishing a book by ex-CIA leaders rebutting a Senate report that denounced the brutal tactics as illegal, inhumane and ineffective. Now, in a memo to President Obama, other U.S. intelligence veterans are siding with the Senate findings and repudiating the torture apologists. Comment by …

Robert Steele: Death of a Nation — All Crazy, All Black, All Prisoners [Deal with It!]

Death of a Nation –All Crazy, All Black, All Prisoners Robert David Steele Donald Trump, speaking of recent murders, says we do not have a gun problem; we have a mental health problem. As scary as Donald Trump can be in his encouragement of white supremacists who favor “open season” on illegal immigrants,[i] there is …