Robert Steele on Russia TV: Occupy Wall Street, Electoral Reform, and Possible Need for a Nation-Wide General Strike to Force Matter by 4 July 2012

The Russians over-hyped the headline, but otherwise did a superb job of cutting to the chase and presenting a short live (no edits) interview and a compelling transcript. ‘USA might face a potentially violent revolution’ Published: 04 October, 2011, 22:57 VIDEO 4:03 (Click on Image) Fury over corporate power in the US is spreading from …

Review: Intelligence and U.S. Foreign Policy – Iraq, 9/11, and Misguided Reform

Paul Pillar 5.0 out of 5 stars Four for Omissions, Six for Precision Relevance,September 22, 2011 EVENT ALERT: Paul Pillar is speaking at Brookings Institute on Wednesday 5 October 2011 from 10:00 to 11:30, RSVP is required to 21DefenseInitiative[…] I will attend that session. This alert will be deleted on 5 October. – – – …

Robert Steele: US Day of Rage = Electoral Reform & Integrity Plus General RECAP on Purple Public & Third Party Rising

I’ve been driving the 1964 MGB (my last remaining possession, it needs $5,000 of underbody work to survive the winter) around New England and am in New York now.  I’ve been following the US Day of Rage plans (they were also announced here) but have been surprised to find a number of normally intelligent middle-class …

Dolphin: Electoral Rage in Malaysia, Open Insurgency?

From a Human Intelligence perspective, below is a very strong signal that the Arab Spring and its “Days of Rage” are spreading; even well-managed countries such as Malaysia (and one speculates, badly-managed ones like the USA) appear to be in line for Electoral Reform protests and perhaps Open Source Insurgency. Malaysia police fire tear gas, … Sells Out–No Labels + Americans Elect + CUIP =Trifecta of Electoral Fraud

Jackie Salit, who helped Mike Bloomberg get elected the first time around, appears to have sold out the Independent franchise.  Below the line is a complete posting from their website preserved for the record…just in case they are tempted to rescript the history.  They tipped their hand.  NO LABELS is a fraud, and this makes …

Journal: Can’t Get No Satisfaction from US Intelligence Community…

Dowd says it pretty well. My guess is that because CIA connsiders ISI an “asset”, they insist that no one including themsleves target the ISI. This of course means that ISI can continue using CIA and the U.S. as pawns in thier undeclared cold war against India. Op-Ed Columnist The Great Game Imposter By MAUREEN …