Winslow Wheeler: DoD Spending is a Jobs NEGATIVE

For years and years, advocates of big defense spending have argued there is a major economic benefit — jobs.  These claims are ever more strident now because of high unemployment and threats to further growth in the defense budget.  Hearing the footsteps on the unaffordable, underperforming F-35, Lockheed, among others, touts the jobs they pretend the program creates. The defense …

Chuck Spinney: Pentagon Underfunded? Integrity Lacking…

Why the Pentagon Is Always Underfunded CHUCK SPINNEY, The Blaster, July 19, 2011 Cap Ferrat, France The courtiers in the Hall of Mirrors that is Versailles on the Potomac are lining up to give Leon Panetta advice on how to manage the Pentagon in the coming era of budget “constraints.”  Most of this wisdom takes the form …