Chuck Spinney: The Afghanistan Disaster Part I – When the War Comes Home

WEEKEND EDITION APRIL 6-8, 2012 Wait Till the War Really Comes Home The Afghan Disaster by FRANKLIN C. SPINNEY, Counterpunch The PR disasters over the last three months — including pictures of American troops urinating on Afghan corpses, the burning of Qurans, and the massacre of Afghan civilians, including women and children, by at least one …

Chuck Spinney: The Shadow World of the Global Arms Trade

In my opinion, one of the most important books written in recent years on the subject of the global arms trade and its corrupting effects is Andrew Feinstein’s, The Shadow World, Inside the Global Arms Trade. This voluminous book is mind numbing in its detail, but it is thoroughly sourced and, I believe, it will become a standard reference over time. …

Richard Wright: Integrity? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Integrity!

Integrity? We don’t need no stinkin’integrity! Precision Munitions Lessen Need for Close Air Support Plane: Schwartz Answers the A-10 Question PENTAGON: One of the longest-running debates between the Air Force and the Army centers on close air support. Historically, the Air Force hates supplying CAS and doesn’t like buying or maintaining the planes that do …