Antechinus: What Happens When Authoritarians Inherit the Earth? A Simulation

What Happens When Authoritarians Inherit the Earth? A Simulation Two runs of a futuristic simulation involving introductory psychology students were held on successive nights. On one night, “Earth” was populated entirely by right-wing authoritarian followers; on the second night, a small number of dominating authoritarians were included among a second group of authoritarian followers. With …

Robert Steele: Death of a Nation — All Crazy, All Black, All Prisoners [Deal with It!]

Death of a Nation –All Crazy, All Black, All Prisoners Robert David Steele Donald Trump, speaking of recent murders, says we do not have a gun problem; we have a mental health problem. As scary as Donald Trump can be in his encouragement of white supremacists who favor “open season” on illegal immigrants,[i] there is …