Stephen E. Arnold: Carly Fiorina’s Big Bust — Barklays Bank Fraud? Bad Judgment? How Autonomy Gored HP and Its CEO

Hewlett Packard Autonomy: Bank Issues Alleged “The Price of Silence on Wall Street” provides a bit of information about the role of intermediaries in the HP deal for Autonomy. I find it difficult to figure out if the bank was doing its normal sales job for a juicy deal or if the bank was doing …

Baroness Shirley Williams: American Democracy for Sale — A Warning to Us All …

American democracy is up for sale, and it’s a warning to us all By the end of June this year, $388m had been contributed to the campaigns of presidential candidates in 2016 It is imperative in a democracy that those opposed to the government of the day can cherish the prospect of peacefully changing its …

Robert Steele: Death of a Nation — All Crazy, All Black, All Prisoners [Deal with It!]

Death of a Nation –All Crazy, All Black, All Prisoners Robert David Steele Donald Trump, speaking of recent murders, says we do not have a gun problem; we have a mental health problem. As scary as Donald Trump can be in his encouragement of white supremacists who favor “open season” on illegal immigrants,[i] there is …