Robert Steele: An Exchange on Israel vs Jews, Palestine vs Arab Dictators — The Future of North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia

A gentle person wrote in from Qatar and I responded. From your article “Trump Peace Plan: Sheer Genius” I fully agree that the JK peace plan was presented with the intention to be rejected by Palestine and others in the region and that the other “gestures” by Trump to Netanyahu have been delay strategies until …

Robert Steele: Media Disinformation, Active Lies, Criminal Legal Liability Soon?

I have  been ignoring the media disinformation related to Election 2020. Not only is it quite certain that President Donald Trump won in a landslide, it is equally certain that hundreds of state officials will soon be facing jail time for felonies that can be proven. I thought today to simply throw up several headlines …

Robert Steele: Media (Main and Social) Culpable for Lies, Fraud, & Sedition — Insurrection Act Immediately and Deeply Exposes AP, NYT, Other Media to Arrest and Conviction

If President Trump invokes the Insurrection Act, as Abraham Liincoln did, the media, starting with AP, NYT, and Twitter as well as YouTube, is immediately and deeply exposed to “by name” arrest of authors, editors, and managers, for Executive Order—Arrest and Imprisonment of Irresponsible Newspaper Reporters and Editors Even if he does not, they are …

Robert Steele: Denmark Officially Stupider (or More Corrupt) Than Sweden — Denmark to Kill 15M Animals to Stop COVID Mutation Allegedly Spreading Back to Twelve (12) Humans

The mind boggles.  COVID-19 does not exist. Take it from there. Denmark to Kill 15M Animals to Stop COVID Mutation Spreading Back to Humans Mette Frederiksen said a report from a government agency that maps the coronavirus in Denmark has shown a mutation in the virus found in 12 people in the northern part of …

Robert Steele: Weak Signals — Suburban Moms for Trump

My ‘suburban mom’ demographic is supposedly all in for Biden. But I’m voting for Trump. Two candidates, two very different Americas. For this suburban mom, the choice couldn’t be clearer. Southern Poverty Law Center on QAnon QAnon is the umbrella term for a sprawling spiderweb of right-wing internet conspiracy theories with antisemitic and anti-LGBTQ elements …