Worth a Look: Talking Plants–Sensor to Shooter

“Homegrown Terra-rists” Ignite Video The Ignite Show just posted episode 2, Kati’s Botanicalls Ignite NYC talk from back in September 2008 during Web 2.0 Expo. You may want to skip past the intro…and start at 1:33. The Botanicalls system and applications use networked open source hardware and software to allow plants to communicate with people …

Journal: ClimateGate Update 13 February 2010

World may not be warming, say scientists We concluded, with overwhelming statistical significance, that the IPCC’s climate data are contaminated with surface effects from industrialisation and data quality problems. These add up to a large warming bias,” he said. The Uncertain Fate of the IPCC Opponents of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change tried strangling …