Marcus Aurelius: US Navy Hypes Water Drone Threat

‘Stunning’ Increase In Espionage Attacks The Situation Room (CNN), 5:00 PM WOLF BLITZER: It’s some of the U.S. military’s most critical classified technology, underwater drones. But according to a new Pentagon report, it’s under constant attack by foreign spies. Our Pentagon Correspondent Barbara Starr is over at the Pentagon. She’s got the details. Barbara, a …

A perfect storm of stupid [not really–just corruption]

In search of intelligence…among humans. A perfect storm of stupid The news is full of extreme weather headlines – floods, wildfires, droughts, tornadoes – but the US still doesn’t get climate change Amy Goodman, Wednesday 8 June 2011 Read full article….. Phi Beta Iota: This is a very fine contribution to the discussion but …

Australians: Our Shit is Pure, No E Coli Possible Here

Just too funny to not post.  Evidently the Australian government has not made the connection between animal and human shit in the groundwater causing E. coli and other forms of disease migrating into vegetables–as occurred in the USA when spinach and cow shit combined.  Immaculate Australian shit–perhaps it’s all the beer they drink. Deadly E. …