Robert Parry: US Intel Vets Slam CIA Use of Torture and New Book “Rebuttal” That Repeats Prior Lies by CIA “Leaders” — Robert Steele Comments

US Intel Vets Decry CIA’s Use of Torture Torture defenders are back on the offensive publishing a book by ex-CIA leaders rebutting a Senate report that denounced the brutal tactics as illegal, inhumane and ineffective. Now, in a memo to President Obama, other U.S. intelligence veterans are siding with the Senate findings and repudiating the torture apologists. Comment by …

Mongoose: Families Of 9/11 Victims On Verge Of Proving Government Cover-Up In Court

Families Of 9/11 Victims On Verge Of Proving Government Cover-Up In Court For many years, rumors have circulated regarding the U.S. government’s involvement in an active cover-up of a sinister connection between Saudi Arabia and the terrorist attacks of 9/11. In fact, 28 redacted pages from a congressional intelligence report  are said to contain damning information that implicates the …

Chuck Spinney: Iranian Ambassador Itemizes Lies & Misrepresentations by Israel’s Prime Minister

The author of the below op-ed is the Iranian Ambassador to the United Nations.  It is worth reading carefully, because  this op-ed is well sourced, and Ambassador Khoshroo’s argument with respect to Prime Minister Netanyahu’s penchant for threat inflation can be compared to Gareth Porter’s history of Israel’s gaming to the Iranian threat.  Netanyahu’s Nuclear Deceptions A …

Review (Guest): America’s Deadliest Export – Democracy (The Truth About US Foreign Policy and Everything Else)

William Blum 5 of 5 Stars. Truth of american foreign policy By Joan M McGreevy on June 6, 2013 [This book] was not a big surprise to me since I have been aware of the nature of our bloody brutal empire for about 10 years when I was 42, but it did reveal to me …

Wesley Clark: ISIS Funded by Our Closest Allies

Gen. Wesley Clark: “ISIS Got Started With Funding From Our Closest Allies” EXTRACT Far from a spontaneously-arising root-of-all-evil organization, at least according to General Wesley Clark, ISIS was created and funded by our “closest allies.” As the General said: “ISIS got started through funding from our friends and allies… to fight to the death against …