John Robb: Economy Cashes, Farm Crime Skyrockets

Farm thefts in California.  From copper to iron to avocados to  bees to solar panels.  Combo of economic depression/financial collapse (a loss of legitimacy) that continues to ravage CA and legal decay (budgets to protect against this are down by 50% in three years EXTRACT Like many lawmen in vast agricultural areas, Sheriff Anderson said a major …

John Robb: Resilience 101 – Close the loop…all of them

RESILIENT PRODUCTION: Close The Loop! Reslient, local production can reach amazing levels of capacity and efficiency by obsessively closing loops.  How do you close loops?  Simply: Turn the waste of one production process into the fuel/input required to operate another. Do that again and again and again until there is nothing left to reuse. All …

John Robb: LulzSec Hacks Murdoch, Emails Promised…

LulzSec say they’ll release big Murdoch email archive Rebekah Brooks apparently not a password genius By John Leyden Enterprise Security, 19th July 2011 The hacktivists behind a hack on The Sun‘s website claim to have extracted an email archive which they plan to release later on Tuesday. News International’s systems were hacked on Monday night. …

John Robb: Earthships–Homes Off the Grid

Earthships.  Homes built to live off of the grid.  If this is a topic you are interested in.  Please flesh this page out.  Feel free to create more pages on specific architectural elements of the earthship and/or specific examples. Wikipedia Earthship DuckDuckGo Earthship