Stephen E. Arnold: Open Source Security a Corporate Concern

Open Source Security Remains Corporate Concern Posted: 22 May 2013 06:15 AM PDT When it comes to enterprise information technology concerns, security is usually at the top of the list. Some say that using open source software leaves an organization more susceptible to security risks, while others argue just the opposite. This very debate continues …

John Robb: The Implosion of the US National Security State

DATA Dystopia. The NSA Scandal and Beyond. In the last couple of weeks, we’ve gotten confirmation that what we’ve been assuming is true: The government is snooping on us.  They aren’t lightly snooping.  : They are gathering data on EVERYONE (inside and outside the US) simultaneously. Storing it in databases that will last forever, and …

SchwartzReport: National Security Machine Focused on US Public & Repressing Dissent

This is one of the most important essays SR has ever published. Here, I believe you see the real reason for the creation of the security apparat. Terrorism is its second, but public, brief. Its real brief is to prepare for climate change. When you cut through what flows out of the Aegean Stable! s …

Neal Rauhauser: Cyber-Security Global Knowledge Network

Worth a look. ICS-ISAC and the Global Knowledge Sharing Network Posted on May 20, 2012 by icscybersecurity ICS-ISAC and the Global Knowledge Sharing Network The Industrial Control System Information Sharing and Analysis Center (ICS-ISAC) is part of the Global Knowledge Network (GKN). The Global Knowledge Network has been evolving for a number of years and is …

Mini-Me: Jordanian King Manipulates Obama & Light-Weight National Security Team — French & British Lie on Chemical Weapons — Susan Rice Ignored

Huh? Behind Obama’s About-Face on Syria Jolted by Hezbollah’s Entry Into Civil War and Chemical Weapons, Administration Chose to Arm Rebels Adam Entous Wall Street Journal, 14 June 2013 EXTRACT: In one sobering moment in late April, Jordan’s King Abdullah II presented President Barack Obama and aides with a bleak scenario for Syria—showing them a …

Rickard Falkvinge: Is Bitcoin a Threat to US National Security?

Can Bitcoin Bring Down (What’s Left Of) the US Economy? Swarm Economy:  Bitcoin represents a significant threat to the currency domination of the USA, which is the only thing propping up the nation’s status as a worldwide superpower. Following the USA’s defaulting on all its international loans on August 15, 1971, the US trade balance …

2013 Army’s new mobile network to support its Afghan security mission

  Army’s new mobile network to support its Afghan security mission FORT DRUM, N.Y. (May 31, 2013) — As the U.S. mission in Afghanistan evolves from full spectrum combat operations to a support role in helping Afghan forces take hold of their country’s security, unit commanders emphasize the need for network mobility. Warfighter Information Network-Tactical, …