Robert Steele: The Death of Facebook … and Twitter and YouTube — the post #GoogleGestapo Internet is Emergent

A day does not go by that I do not receive inputs from citizens all over the world, generally of remarkably high quality and focus. Below the fold is a death notice for Facebook, which will probably not be able to rise to the European Community mandate that all end users must own their own …

Robert Steele: Creating a Post-Western Independent Internet (Trump Revolution 22)

Creating a Post-Western Independent Internet An Open Source Internet Can Create Peace and Prosperity for All Memorable URL: Robert David Steele The recent decision by President Vladimir Putin to create an independent Internet with a separate Domain Name System (DNC) that is impervious to Western attack including data corruption and mis-representation is a good …

Yoda: The Unraveling of State Legitimacy

The Great Hard Fork: An Unraveling of State Legitimacy The rise of cryptocurrency doesn’t merely threaten the monopoly of central banking, however; in fact the entire nation state apparatus rests precariously on the structure of banking carefully crafted over 400 years. What cryptocurrency threatens is the very existence of the nation state which will have …

Berto Jongman: Hashgraph, Quantum, & Crypto

Blockchain Just Became Obsolete. The Future is Hashgraph Swirlds is a software platform that has developed the hashgraph consensus algorithm: an entirely new distributed ledger technology that is much more cost-effective (no proof-of-work), 50,000 times the speed, safer (Byzantine), more efficient (no stale blocks) and mathematically fairer than the blockchain. How China Is Using Quantum …

Yoda: Web of Trust / Self-Sovereign Identity

Post-Google Internet — authentic, inclusive, truthful. Rebooting Web-of-Trust The Web of Trust is a buzzword for a new model of decentralized self-sovereign identity. It’s a phrase that dates back almost twenty-five years, the classic definition derives from PGP. But some use it as a term to include self-sovereign identity authentication & verification, certificate validation, and …

Gilles Champollion: EquaCoin A Democratic Crypto Currency

EquaCoin a democratic cryptocurrency All of us talk about money but few really understand what money is and why there is no historical experience of a democratic coin. EquaCoin is the first cryptocoin managed by a decentralized blockchain able to finance projects with no loan interest, that can be created on demand with a democratic …

Robert Steele: Healing the Self & Healing the World – The Open Source Way (Trump Revolution 14)

Healing the Self & Healing the World: The Open Source Way Robert David Steele Defence & Intelligence Norway 13 September 2017 Editor-in-Chief Note: The author was recommended by me, and probably nominated by a Norwegian Minister, for the Nobel Peace Prize in January 2017. I believe that he is redefining defense, economics, governance, intelligence, and …