Review: Ecological Intelligence–How Knowing the Hidden Impacts of What We Buy Can Change Everything (Hardcover)

From 4 to Five for Gifted Story and Amazon Price Cut November 29, 2009 Daniel Goleman I chose this book over Ecological Intelligence: Rediscovering Ourselves in Nature and seeing the author’s note about this other book “by a physician, Jungian analyst, and poet” am certain I made the right choice. The author’s “big idea” is …

Journal: ClimateGate Meets Yamal Divergence

Phi Beta Iota: ClimateGate has outraged us for two reasons–first, the lack of integrity among the scientists and the selected United Nations officials concerned; and second, the naivete, ignorance, or corruption of government officials  all too eager to create a new Global Warming Complex that profits from carbon trades (another form of phantom wealth) while …

Event: 11-12 Dec 09 Berkeley Springs WV Change Workshop with Don Beck and John Petersen

Explore the landscape of large-scale change and map the pathways to a future new world in an intense, hands-on, unprecedented workshop with Don Beck and John Petersen. Humanity is seeing the growing stress fractures of a global system undergoing extraordinary, historic change. Social systems are surfacing extreme responses to unprecedented threats to the status quo. …

Journal: UK Emails on Fraudulent Climate Science

EDITORIAL: Hiding evidence of global cooling Junk science exposed among climate-change believers Tuesday, November 24, 2009 Scientific progress depends on accurate and complete data. It also relies on replication. The past couple of days have uncovered some shocking revelations about the baloney practices that pass as sound science about climate change. It was announced Thursday …

Journal: CIA Opens Climate Center–the Reductionism and Irrelevance Continues within a “Dumb Nation”

CIA Opens Center for Climate Change. The Central Intelligence Agency announced plans to launch a center on climate change to examine the potential security risks of environmental issues.  The CIA said it was working on its new Center on Climate Change and National Security to examine the national security impact of environmental issues such as …

Journal: On Experts, Lies, Climate, & Security

October 05, 2009 UN Climate Reports: They Lie By Marc Sheppard Speaking on the Senate floor in July of 2003, Senator James Inhofe (R-Okla) rightly called the threat of catastrophic global warming the “greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.” The Cybersecurity Myth by Bob Crigely The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said this week …