EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: sacred geometry: Rand Carlson

Randall Carlson “Sacred Geometry Of Space & Time” Sedona Retreat / Workshop April 2-4, 2021 Randall Carlson is getting back into teaching Sacred Geometry the universal values and practical applications of the “Sacred Geometry of Space and Time”. In this retreat workshop you will learn by experience how to use the tools to create your …

Yoda: Jesus Round Three — Second Alert Reader

Reacting to: Yoda: Alert Reader on God and Christ Second Alert Reader writes in: I am a tad puzzled by your alert reader piece on religion… and you don’t sound confused to me: curious, adventurous, pissed off at times but not particularly confused.

Yoda: Alert Reader on God and Christ

Reacting to: Ann Delap: Videos Cosmic Agency on The Jesus Myth (Four Parts) Alert Reader offers this view for sharing. I sense you don’t have a firm grasp on what to believe regarding the existence of God and Christ. I hope to help you begin to get that grasp.

J. C. Cole: List of Events Suggesting On-Going Sabotage of Petroleum and Other Economic Choke Points

1 gal of diesel working the field in a tractor replaces 500 man hours manual labor in the field. Agriculture is screwed without diesel. In 2015 I was told by a friend since passed: Prepare for war, my friend. The big one is coming. Evil vs. really the rest of the world…chaotic messes are coming. …