Worth a Look: Parag Khanna at TED on “Invisible Maps” and Cross-Border Peace Impact of Infrastructure and Demographics

Parag Khanna, author of The Second World: Empires and Influence in the New Global Order has been honored with an invitation to TED 2009 and here is the 18 minute presentation that he gave on “Invisible Maps,” along with our notes. Core point, very much simplified: most borders are artificial and underlying realities such as …

PACOM Week in Review Ending 26 September 2009

Hot Topics AA: Can China help to defuse the nuclear threat from Iran? 09/27/09 AU: Australia how-to jihadist jailed 09/24/09 AU: Australia’s military objects to China investment 09/23/09 CN: Could “Tibet independence” and “Xinjiang independence” forces be … 09/24/09 CN: Mao’s Grandson Rises in Chinese Military 09/24/09 IN: Indian state terrorism 09/27/09 JP: Japan launches …

Worth a Look: Legislation Of, By, and For the Public

As Europe contemplates the creation of a Mutlinational Information-Sharing and Sense-Making Network, and Singapore and South Africa among others think about expanding the over-the-horizon and continent-wide networks, only one major power remains deliberately deaf, dumb, and blind to the 80% or more of the information that cannot be stolen but can be acquired freely from …

AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 21 September 2009

Hot Topics AA: Instability made political risk expensive in Africa 09/20/09 AA: Somalia raid reopens debate on Maghreb security, economic co-operation 09/18/09 AA: Thaisarco suspends Congo tin ore purchases 09/18/09 AO: Dos Santos – Angola’s silent leader 09/20/09 DZ: Russia investigates jet part sales to Algeria 09/18/09 ER: Eritrea: Who Is EU Trying To Kid …