Nafeez Ahmed: Facebook will become more powerful than the NSA in less than 10 years …

Facebook will become more powerful than the NSA in less than 10 years — unless we stop it What do NATO, private military contractors, giant arms manufacturers, wine merchants, the NSA, Trump, British property tycoons, Russian oligarchs, and Big Oil have in common? The world’s largest social network We reveal for the first time [Cambridge Analytica’s] sweeping interlinkages with …

Review: Your Third Brain – The Revolutionary New Discovery to Achieve Optimum Health

If you want to double your life-span – in my case as a 65-year-old I can reasonably aspire to living to be 120 or so, perhaps long, those starting younger can aspire to live toward 200 years of age – this is the single most revolutionary and serious book you can read to that end …

Robert Steele: Creating a Post-Western Independent Internet (Trump Revolution 22)

Creating a Post-Western Independent Internet An Open Source Internet Can Create Peace and Prosperity for All Memorable URL: Robert David Steele The recent decision by President Vladimir Putin to create an independent Internet with a separate Domain Name System (DNC) that is impervious to Western attack including data corruption and mis-representation is a good …

Penguin: Bitstrades Offers Un-Banking

Bitstrades Announce Financial Revolution to Help Individuals Become Un-Banked and Reach Financial Freedom Some of the main benefits associated with this cryptocurrency include its decentralized nature, thus making it free from political involvement and regulatory issues; instant peer-to-peer transactions made via the internet without the use of a middleman; a minimal currency feed through mining …