Robert Steele: Concept for a Movie on Election & Media Fraud + What Next

Memorable Short URL: The model they used for Thousand Pieces could work   In combination, a series of interviews plus video of Patrick Byrne’s team plus Constitutional and state legislative authority clips plus pulls from the videos and articles at will fill the vacuum between media lies and Trump tweets plus Q plus those …

Robert Steele: Reflections on Taking Down #GoogleGestapo (aka BigTech or FAANG) and MSM

A core aspect of showing foreign control is discovery that maps exactly who introduced the term hate speech, who suggested modifications to corporate terms of reference that now “allow” deflatforming, and who was put in as “trusted flaggers.” At the end of the day you will find that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the Zionist …

Robert Steele: Media (Main and Social) Culpable for Lies, Fraud, & Sedition — Insurrection Act Immediately and Deeply Exposes AP, NYT, Other Media to Arrest and Conviction

If President Trump invokes the Insurrection Act, as Abraham Liincoln did, the media, starting with AP, NYT, and Twitter as well as YouTube, is immediately and deeply exposed to “by name” arrest of authors, editors, and managers, for Executive Order—Arrest and Imprisonment of Irresponsible Newspaper Reporters and Editors Even if he does not, they are …

Martin Armstrong: 2022 Mass Casualty Pandemic Planned — Postponing Elections a Last Ditch Effort to Retain Control Until Then

Postponing Elections – The Plot  Thickens It is highly likely that we are facing a 2022 pandemic that our model is pointing to and this time it will reduce the population as desired by many in this clandestine group. Given that they are already planning to postpone elections, they will need something far more lethal …