Joachim Hagopian: The COVID-19 Sham: Global Elite Caught Red-Handed Committing Genocidal Crimes Against Humanity

The COVID-19 Sham: Global Elite Caught Red-Handed Committing Genocidal Crimes Against Humanity When you inject a known toxin into a person, you are actually injecting an agent of death.                  David Martin, PhD., intellectual property-patent expert, U. of Virginia School of Medicine professor[1] Over a half dozen years ago I wrote a Global Research article entitled …

James Fetzer: Is starvation and population reduction the next card the authorities will play? – They’re certainly laying the foundations now

Is starvation and population reduction the next card the authorities will play? – They’re certainly laying the foundations now One finds the practice in ancient Babylon/Mesopotamia 4,000 years ago. In Greece, the cults of Apollo, Demeter, and Rhea-Cybele often controlled the shipment of grain and other food stuffs, through the temples. In Imperial Rome, the …

Matthew Ehret: A Canada Day Surprise: How a ‘Synthetic Nationalism’ Was Created to Break the US-Russia Alliance

A Canada Day Surprise: How a ‘Synthetic Nationalism’ Was Created to Break the US-Russia Alliance As a Canadian author associated with a Canadian geopolitical magazine and a book series rooted in the thesis that Canada is still under the dominance of the British Empire to this very day, the July 1st holiday known as “Canada …

ZeroHedge: Honoring the Unifying Power of National Symbols, #UNRIG Rolls on to Mount Rushmore July 4th

Honoring the Unifying Power of National Symbols, #UNRIG Rolls on to Mount Rushmore July 4th Are you tired of abuse at the hands of a tyrannical, unrepresentative, rapacious federal government? So were the Founders, and so is #UNRIG founder and retired CIA operative Robert Steele! Join the #UNRIG movement on Independence Day at Mount Rushmore …