Reference: 100 Critical Points About 9/11

 100 Critical Points About 9/11 By “Tommy” Introduction/Challenge to ‘Debunkers’: It’s time for ‘debunkers’ to showcase their years of hard work. I’m looking for a concise and agreed-upon explanation for each of the following items so that we might forever put to rest these ‘nonsense conspiracy theories’ about 9/11. Ideally, I’m hoping for a 1-4 …

Daniel Ellsberg: On Secrecy & Whistleblowing with Comment by Robert Steele

Secrecy and National Security Whistleblowing Daniel Ellsberg on January 8, 2013 [Originally published in Social Research] I) Reflections on Secret-keeping and Identity In the “national security” area of the government–the White House, the departments of state and defense, the armed services and the “intelligence community,” along with their contractors–there is less whistleblowing than in other …

21 Graphic Depictions of US Health Costs Compared to Other Nations + Health Fraud RECAP

21 graphs that show America’s health-care prices are ludicrous Every year, the International Federation of Health Plans — a global insurance trade association that includes more than 100 insurers in 25 countries — releases survey data showing the prices that insurers are actually paying for different drugs, devices, and medical services in different countries. And every …

1 March 2013 Geoergetown University, Washington, DC Colloquium on Genocides and War Crimes

Colloquium on Genocides and War Crimes, Georgetown University Posted by Eze Eluchie on February 20, 2013 at 10:00pm View Blog Join us for the 1st International Colloquium on Genocides and War Crimes scheduled for McDonough Hall, Georgetown University Law Center, Washington DC. on Friday, 1st March 2013. From 9:00 am – 4:00 pm Diplomatic representatives …

Mini-Me: LBJ Behind USS Liberty? Re-Evaluating What Can Be Known

Huh? The USS Liberty, Israel & President Johnson’s Order to Destroy the USS Liberty The below well referenced article was sent to me by JFK Assassination expert Robert Morrow. In the email to me, he endorses the analysis, “I think it is fine article.” I have no separate knowledge of the facts detailed in this …