Serious (Honest) Thinking About US Budget

Dear friends, The three articles below describe major approaches to addressing the deficit — for health care, taxes and the military — that would have a greater impact on America’s budget woes than ANYTHING being currently negotiated by Congress and the Obama Administration.  Even better, these three things would, if implemented, actually improve the quality …

Search: human brain holistic global

Although a great deal emerges with this search, the reality is that Phi Beta Iota is all about this specific search area. Results, search as stated Below the line: results for Human Aspect, Holistic (Analytic) Aspect, World Brain & Global Game, Related References on Implementation

OpenBSC & OpenBTS

OpenBSC is worth a close look. OpenBSC is the current name for a software program that started with the name bs11-abis. What is OpenBSC It is a BSC (Base Station Controller) side implementation of the A-bis protocol, as implemented in the GSM Technical Specification 08.5x and 12.21. It implements a minimal subset of the BSC, …