Bin Laden Show 13: Patraeus Silent Like a Lamb, Jim Corrs Redux “They Dug Him Up and Killed Him Again” — General Hamid Gul on CIA Hoax That Will Backfire

From an engaged observer in Afghanistan: Is it just me or have you seen any comments by Petraeus over the Bin Laden affair?  I haven’t to date …… interesting, the silence from Kabul……. Jim Corr Challenges Bin Laden Death Publishing his own beliefs on his page and website, he writes, “They dug him …

Plenty of Spectrum–Not Enough Integrity

There is plenty of radio spectrum laying fallow everywhere for many reasons.  One principal reason is regulatory capture by communications oligopolies/monopolies around the world (artificial scarcity), which leads to a lack of investment in alternative (competitive) infrastructure.  This implies there is also vendor capture. What has changed just over the past five years is the …

Search: 2012 aftermath

2012 is a marvelous opportunity to apply intelligence with integrity.  Mature intelligence, with integrity totally ingrained, would integrate history, science, faith, and cultural diversity. Graphic: The New Craft of Intelligence Graphic: Information Operations (IO) Cube There are three approaches to 2012 aftermath:

Houston grandmother is nation’s first ‘Super Wi-Fi’ user

Houston grandmother Leticia Aguirre began hosting what’s believed to be the nation’s first residential “Super Wi-Fi” hot spot this month. Super Wi-Fi, a long-range, wall-piercing version of Wi-Fi that is broadcast on unused TV channels, could be a boon for both rural and urban residents who lack broadband access. Credit: Jade Boyd/Rice University When the …