Steven Vervaecke: 10 ways to protect yourself from EMF radiation and improve your overal health

10 ways to protect yourself from EMF radiation and improve your overal health List Only Remove sources of EMF radiation Adopt Digital detox & slow tech practices Isolate yourself from outside radiation Use devices to transform existing radiation Further harmonise your environement Change and adapt your nutrition habits Do a full spectrum detox Adopt eastern …

James McCanney: To Prevent Yellowstone Super Volcano, Drain the Lake

Swarm Of Earthquakes In Yellowstone Renews Fears Of Supervolcano Eruption The 3 prior super volcanic eruptions (of the dozens of eruptions) all had a lake in the caldera. All of the other eruptions were local minor events. It is the lake following fissures into the magma that initiate the bigger eruptions that then lead to …

Mongoose: Vaccines as Legalized Crime

1,000 peer-reviewed scientific studies. Safety studies are typically only performed on individual vaccines rather than the combination of vaccines, which are routinely given by care providers. In fact, there have been no safety studies performed on the comprehensive vaccine schedule. A comprehensive PDF of following studies can be downloaded here.