Robert Steele: Core Building Block for Web 3.0 – SORA Decentralized Blockchain Ecology

I have started assembling the top twelve minds for the creation of Web 3.0. This was written by one of the twelve. The SORA Parliament Sora XOR Multi-body sortition allows for collusion- and censorship-resistant governance Unlike many other blockchain networks and societies that use token voting, SORA will utilize multi-body sortition in order to govern …

Review: The Trump Century – How Our President Changed the Course of History Forever by Lou Dobbs with Dennis Kneale

5 Stars – Single Best Overview of President Donald Trump’s Value to America In fourteen chapters with an introduction and epilogue for sixteen sections total, this is the single best overview of President Donald Trump’s value to America. Here are a few quotes from this book that should be read by every citizen before Election …

Robert Steele with Javad Heirannia: Interview: US Election Winner Predicted, Most Important Issues Discussed

Interview: US Election Winner Predicted, Most Important Issues Discussed By Javad Heirannia                 October 15, 2020 – 11:11                               International TEHRAN – Robert David Steele, a former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy as well as an activist for Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE), contributes regularly to Tehran Times.

Ed Jewett: Notes on The Steele Report from a Subscriber

Late Saturday afternoon, I listened to the taped Steele Report 9/3 and will again wholeheartedly suggest that you subscribe. As information sources go, RDS has to be ranked at or near the top: he is well-connected, well-trained, a recognized master in open-source intelligence, and owns and maintains a substantial library online and off.  He acknowledges …