Yoda: Zionist Strike 41 – CRY FREEDOM from Zionist Israel — Zionist Minister Bragging in NYC About Controlling 27 US States and National Elections?

Israeli government minister takes credit for 27 U.S. states passing anti-BDS laws Gilad Erdan, minister of strategic affairs, June 16, 2019, Jerusalem Post conference, NY, screenshot. A leading Israeli government minister takes credit for 27 U.S. states passing laws aimed at curbing citizens’ advocacy for BDS, the boycott, divestment and sanctions campaign targeting Israel.

Robert Steele: Terminating the Administrative State – Ending Legislative Abdication and Executive Abuse of Non-Delegated Powers

The Supreme Court Is One Vote Away from Changing How the U.S. Is Governed Hats off to Jeannie Suk Gersen of The New Yorker for a really fine article that makes the point that George Will is absolutely right in The Conservative Sensibility — the Executive has run amok (including stop light cameras at the …

Wayne Jett: One Fed Two Debts — US Owes Fed and the Fed Owes Us — GOOD NEWS AMERICA!

ONE FED – TWO DEBTS U. S. Owes Fed. Fed Owes Us! Most Americans think of the Federal Reserve – if at all – as owning much of the debt owed by the federal government, managing interest rates and setting monetary policy. As recently detailed here, the Fed actually owes much more debt than it …

Robert Steele: Zionist Strike 35 – NSA Documenting Members of Congress Who Are and Have Been Israel Firsters

I just learned today that NSA is on a full bore retrospective database search to document every Member of Congress making promises to Zionist Israel and accepting undeclared compensation from Zionist Israel — every single such Member, which is all but three by my count — is subject to criminal trial and will at a …