Review: Everything You Need to Know But Have Never Been Told by David Icke

SUMMARY REVIEW David Icke, Everything You Need to Know But Have Never Been Told (David Icke Books, 2018). 750 pages. 6 Star: Measured Revelation on the War Between Humanity and the Satanic Deep State Reviewed by Robert David Steele There are three kinds of holistic thinking: secular, ecological, and cosmic. With the exception of David …

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans 14 May 2019

13 American Gray Swans – Week 19 Using classic engineering logic ask the question “what could cause the collapse of the JIT delivery system”? The answer created the 13 American Gray Swans.  I am sure there are more, but these cover the highest probabilities.

Ed Jewett: Millennium Report on US Mass Shootings as Staged False Flag Events with Gun Control Agenda

OPERATION GLADIO C: False Flag Shooting on North Carolina University Campus Last Target of April 2019 Never-ending Mass Shootings in America Make No Sense Except That They Are Perpetrated by a Highly Organized Terrorist Group Such as NATO’s Operation Gladio The key paragraph: “… There’s nothing real about these mass casualty events (MCE); each one …

Robert Steele: Saving America – Saving Capitalism. Start with the Truth.

SHORT URL: Saving America – Saving Capitalism. Start with the Truth. Ray Dalio is a Patriotic Genius – Can Lionel Inspire the President & the Public? Robert David Steele Bottom line up front: no amount of truth is going to get past the White House Deep State filters unless we can mobilize a special …

Review: TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE – Social Engineering the Masses by Daniel Estulin — Deep State Playbook

TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE: Social Engineering the Masses by Daniel Estulin (Trine Day, 2015) 7 Stars Life Transformational – A Seminal Work Integrating Deep Looks from Others – A Mind-Altering Soul-Enhancing Book Given the author’s past as a former Russian intelligence employee, I have considered the possibility that this book is an active disinformation treatise.  While some …