Ty Bollinger: COVID Lies & The Great Reset Toward Tyranny

COVID & the Great Reset – Connecting the Dots II Digital passports and contact tracing apps are forms of bio-electronic surveillance that the world has never been seen before! When you combine super computing power with digital biometric data, you essentially create the ability to “hack” human beings.    . . . The WEF insists the …

Worth a Look: Ezra Cohen-Watnick Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security

Mr. Ezra Cohen-Watnick became  Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security on Nov. 10, 2020.  He had served as the Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict. In that role, he was responsible for all policy formulation and oversight for Department of Defense counterterrorism, special operations, counternarcotics, detainee affairs, peacekeeping, …

Robert Steele: Trump, Cardinal, Serbia & Savoy, Break-Up of France & the European Union — Neither CIA nor MSM Get This . . .

Tous mes sites Web, y compris The Steele Report, peuvent être lus en français et dans d’autres langues. On 4 March 2018 I broke the story on North Korea denuclearizing and the Koreas uniting. I was called a lunatic.  Two weeks later President Donald Trump confirmed the substance of my scoop. Here is my next …

F. William Engdahl: Will USA-China Be Manipulated Into War As Germany-Russia and UK-Germany Were?

Is this a remake of 1941 Hitler-Stalin great war? On behalf of the Powers That Be, World War II was orchestrated by the circles of the City of London and of Wall Street to manoeuvre two great obstacles — Russia and Germany — to wage a war to the death against each other, in order …