Journal: Pentagon’s Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) as a Metaphor for a Predictable Defense Meltdown

The recent publication of the 2010 QDR reveals once again, in typically leaden and mind-numbing prose, how the Pentagon is incapable of coming to grips with the mismatches among strategy, programs, and resources that its decision makers create for themselves, even when budgets are at the highest levels since the end of WWII.  The F-35 …

Journal: DoD Mind-Set Time Lags Most Fascinating

Pentagon Shifts Its Strategy To Small-Scale Warfare By August Cole and Yochi J. Dreazen Wall Street Journal  January 30, 2010  Pg. 4 The shift in strategy sets up potential conflicts with defense contractors and powerful lawmakers uneasy with the Pentagon’s growing focus on smaller-scale, guerilla warfare. In particular, Defense Secretary Robert Gates has come to …

Journal: Israel, False-Flags, Dual-Citizens, & Smiles

Phi Beta Iota: We have been increasingly concerned by the penetration of US Government agencies by a two-pronged Israeli assualt, mixing dual-citizens in positions of either influence  or observation potential, and Israeli-provided and supported software that vacuum-cleans from within.  To this ugly mix the Israeli’s add false-flag operations–we believe 9-11 included both an Israeli false-flag …

IO Newsletter Vol 10 No 06

The generic URL for all IO Newsletters (Archives and Current) is Issues in this article (24): 1.       Service Members Bring Electronic Warfare to the Ground in Iraq 2.       The Truth Is Out There: Responding To Insurgent Disinformation and Deception Operations

Journal: MILNET Selected Headlines 28 Jan 10

Capabilities Of U.S. Intelligence Agencies Questioned Congressional critics have singled out the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC), established as part of a sweeping intelligence overhaul after the September 11 attacks. “I do not (have), nor do I believe the DNI as currently constructed has, all of …

Journal: The Greening of the Pentagon’s Strategy

Climate change may be an “accelerant of instability” in future conflicts, and the U.S. military needs to plan for possible environmental catastrophes and resource wars, according to the Pentagon’s soon-to-be-released master strategy document. Among other things, the draft QDR suggests the military will have to start planning for operations in which rising sea levels, an …

Journal: Haiti Update 26 January 2010 PM

Crowds seeking aid in Haiti met with pepper spray and rubber bullets Desperate crowds have overwhelmed peacekeepers trying to deliver aid. The World Food Programme says that Port-au-Prince represents the greatest logistical challenge it has ever faced “They’re not violent, just desperate. They just want to eat,” Fernando Soares, a Brazilian army colonel, said. “The …